With quasimonochromatic thermal light as an example, the values of coherence time and coherence length in various definitions are compared each other. 并以准单色热光源为例,比较了它在不同定义下的相干时间、干长度的取值。
This paper tries to apply the theory of cohesion and coherence to analyze English entertainment news text in Time magazine. 本文将以功能文体学的前景化理论为基础,从不同的语言层面对娱乐新闻英语的前景化特征进行分析。
The study of such light will lead us to the important concepts of bandwith and coherence time. 对这种光的研究将使我们得到带宽和相干时间的重要概念。
By means of the analytic expression of the two-frequency and two-position mutual coherence function, the average arrival time of signals passing through ionosphere can be calculated precisely. 利用双频、双点互相干函数的解析解能够较精确地算出卫星脉冲信号平均到达时间。
The low coherence value in the coherence cube is reflected by the coherent time slice and coherent bed flattening slice. 相干体上的低相干值通过相干时间切片和相干层拉平切片来反映。
Specifically Some key technology problems in scene simulation system, such as the visualization of Graph and Image, multi-thread management, the separation of framework and application, and the coherence of time and space are presented. 并对视景仿真系统中的图形图像可视化,多线程管理,框架与应用分开,时空一致性等关键技术做了详细介绍。
From Monte Carlo simulations, we show that under the condition of coherence time in the current communication environment, the performance of symbol detection with our estimated channel approaches that with perfect knowledge of the channel. MonteCarlo仿真结果表明,在相干时间允许的范围内,利用本文算法估计出的信道进行信号检测时,其性能十分接近使用准确信道信息的检测结果。
Then, the relation between cycle number in the coherence time and the veracity of the cyclic statistics estimation is showed, and the experiential formula to select cycle number is presented. 对时变信道进行分析,证明了信道相干时间内周期个数与周期统计量估计精度的关系,给出了计算用于估计周期统计量的最佳周期数的经验公式。
Coherence Time Measurement of Laser Pulses Using Two Photon Absorption 利用双光子吸收效应测量激光脉冲的相干时间
Contrarily, under the condition of Ω≤(Γ_2+ Γ_3)/ 2, the smaller off-resonance of probe light is applied, the better the quantum statistical nonclassical field realizes that second-order coherence can retain smaller than 1 in longer time delay. 相反,在Ω≤(Γ2+Γ3)/2情况下,探测光的失谐量越小,越利于获得二阶相干度小于1的量子统计光场。
It is pointed out that the coherence function may express the frequency character of the time space relation, and the energy of the fluctuation pressure is concentrated mainly in the low frequency region. 分析了在时域及频域中时空关系,指出相干函数更能刻划时空关系的频率特性,脉动压力的能量主要集中于低频区。
The power density spectrum of an inner-phase-modulated optical fiber resonator is analyzed theoretically and experimentally, which is valid for any source coherence time. 从理论上详细分析了光纤环形腔有内相位调制时的输出光电流功率谱密度函数,该理论对任意相干长度的输入激光光源都是有效的。
CONCLUSION: The mean phase coherence of EEG changed with time is coincident with event-related desynchronization and event-related synchronization. 结论:脑电信号相位相干性指数随时间的变化与事件相关去同步和事件相关同步现象相一致。
The measurment results indicate that their coherence is good when diffusing temperature and time is proper. 测试发现,选择适当的扩散温度和时间,这两种类型的热敏材料一致性都较好。
In distributed interactive simulation systems, time/ space coherence is one of the key factors. The time synchronization accuracy between the computers must be reached to some degree, and the time resolution of computer's clock is the main factor that restricts the time synchronization accuracy. 时空一致性是分布交互式仿真的关键问题,联网仿真的计算机之间的的时间同步必须达到一定的精度,而计算机的时钟分辨率是制约仿真系统时间同步精度的重要因素。
The recent definitions of coherence time and coherence length are introduced. 综述了目前对相干时间、相干长度的各种定义。
Temporal Coherence of Gas Lasers Time is 气体激光的时间相干性
The algorithm of coherency cub technique was developed from the cross correlation algorithm to the semblance algorithm, and to the eigen structure based algorithm. Recently the coherence algorithm was developed from original time domain to frequency domain. 相干体技术算法已从最初的互相关算法发展到相似算法、本征结构算法,并从时域发展到频域。
Noise Analyses Of Optical Coherence Tomography Systems(ⅱ)& Fourier Domain And Time Domain OCT Systems 光学相干层析系统噪音分析(Ⅱ)&时域OCT和频域OCT
A simple ex-pression of the relation between horizontal longitudinal coherence and time is theoretically derived for the case that the propagation direction of solitary internal wave is parallel to the array. 理论分析给出了在孤子内波的传播方向与水平阵平行时,水平纵向相关系数随时间变化的简明表达式。
The effects of coherence on excitation transfer and some major factors affecting coherent time are also discussed. 并分析了该迁移的作用及影响相干时间长短的主要因素。
Atomic ensemble is an ideal media for the realization of the quantum memories due to the collective enhancement effect in it. Another reason is that there are several kinds of the techniques for atomic ensemble to prolong the coherence time of the spin wave. 原子系综由于存在集体激发增强效应和多种延长自旋波退相干时间的技术而成为实现量子存储的理想选择。
By using mutual coherence function, the characteristics of second-order statistics of the pulse-wave which transmits through the atmospheric turbulence have been studied, including the coherence time and coherence bandwidth. 利用互相干函数,研究了脉冲波穿过大气湍流传播的二阶统计特性,包括相干时间和相干带宽等。
Books design is three-dimensional, coherence and multi-faceted, which have developed with reading time, this development is spanning and transforming, all of this come into the time and space art of book design. 书籍设计的立体性、连贯性、多侧面性在阅读过程中随时间展开,并不断地跨越,变换,形成了书籍设计的时空艺术性。
It can be accessed and scaled more easily, and has a long coherence time. 它具有容易操作和扩展,同时有较长的相干时间的特点。
Firstly, the transmitter determines the proper time interval d according to the coherence time of the wireless channels. Then several signal vectors with an interval of d are combined together by a singular matrix, and the result vectors are transmitted at the corresponding time slots. 在该方案中,发射机根据信道相干时间确定合适的时隙间隔d,并利用奇异矩阵对多个相距d个时隙的信号矢量进行线性组合,从而得到系统在对应时隙的发射信号。
DAST is one kind of the most important materials in generating and detecting THz radiation for the reason that it has large optical nonlinear and electrooptic coefficients, low dielectric dispersion, large coherence length and ultra fast response time. DAST因具有高的非线性和电光系数、低的介电常数、大的相干长度和快的响应时间等优点而在光整流法产生和探测THz波方面存在巨大应用潜力,目前对其研究较多。
The limitations of the R-D imaging algorithm are analyzed in the fourth part of the dissertation, namely, the scatterers can not walk more than one range cell within coherence time, or there would be Motion Through Resolution Cells ( MTRC) phenomenon. 分析了距离多普勒(R-D)算法成像的局限性,即在相干时间内,散射点走动不能超过一个距离单元,否则会出现散射点越距离单元走动(MTRC)现象。
In this report/ thesis, we argue that the asymmetry of RF circuit can be overcome by system calibration. The time duration when a calibrated RF transceiver circuit lost its symmetry is much larger than the channel coherence time. 这里,我们假设收发信机的非对称性可以通过射频收发信机的校准来克服,校准后的收发射频电路再次出现非对称性的时间尺度远大于信道的相干时间。
It is important to study how the quantum property such as entanglement, coherence, and nonlocality evolve with time. 研究纠缠、相干性及非定域性这些量子特性随时间的演化具有重要意义。